
Showing posts from 2018

Dividend Digest || Capital Southwest Corporation (CSWC) || 6.92% Div. Yield!

Capital Southwest Corporation (CSWC) Another episode of Dividend Digest is now live. Check out CSWC and their 6.92% Div. Yield!

Tuesday - 12.4.18

Results From Tuesday - 12.4.18 Yikes! Not the direction I wanted to go today! Acorns M1 Finance Fidelity Go Bumped

Monday - 12.3.18

Results From Monday - 12.3.18 Starting off in the green. I'm really liking this trend. I made some changed to my M1 Finance portfolio to be more dividend heavy. I'm hoping it will pay out well. I have no doubt that it will! Acorns M1 Finance Fidelity Go Bumped

Dividend Digest || Gladstone Commercial Corporation (GOOD) || 7.84% Div. Yield!

Gladstone Commercial Corporation (GOOD) Time for some more Dividend Digest! Today we will be looking at Gladstone Commercial Corporation. They have a 7.84% dividend yield and they make these payments monthly. I recently changed my M1 Finance allocation to include more of this stock. I am hoping it will provide me with more passive income. Check out the video for all the info and examples!

Friday - 11.30.18

Results From Friday - 11.30.18 We had 4/5 days in the green this week! It's bee a long time since we have seen that. I'm glad we ended on a green day that way I can look at the positive gains for the rest of the week. This week has really put me back to where I want to be as far as my portfolios go. I'm still at a loss overall for Acorns and M1 Finance, but I think by the end of the year I will be where I want to be. This is Novembers month end, so let's see what December will bring us! Acorns M1 Finance Fidelity Go Bumped

Thursday - 11.29.18

Results From Thursday - 11.29.18 Couldn't quite stay positive this week. That's alright though because it wasn't a huge loss. The week has been more positive than negative so I am fine with it! I changed my M1 Finance allocation a bit to try and get more from dividends.  Acorns M1 Finance Fidelity Go Bumped

Dividend Digest || BlackRock Capital Investment Corp. (BKCC) || 12.12% Div. Yield!

BlackRock Dividend Yield I have started a new series called "Dividend Digest". I will be going over different stocks/funds that I have researched or that I actually own. In this first video, I am reviewing and giving an example using BlackRock Capital Investment Corp (BKCC). Hopefully, this video is informative and entertaining to watch. I plan to be creating a lot more of these in the future!

Wednesday - 11.28.18

Results From Wednesday - 11.28.18 An amazing day in the market! I don't think I have seen returns like this in a long time. At least, as far as monetary value goes. I may have seen percentages like this before, but I may not have had enough invested at the time to make much of those gains. We're looking at 3 days in a row of positive returns. Do you think we can shoot for an entire week? I sure hope so! Acorns M1 Finance Fidelity Go Bumped

Tuesday - 11.27.18

Results From Tuesday - 11.27.18 For the most part, I finished the day out in the positive. For a majority of the day, though, I was at a loss, but right around 3:30 everything started to turn positive. The only loss I had was in Fidelity Go, but it wasn't even a dollar so I can say that the gains from Acorns and M1 Finance washed it out. I'll take a slightly green day over nothing at all anytime! Acorns M1 Finance Fidelity Go Bumped

Portfolio Update // 11.26.18 // Acorns Is Nearing $900!

Weekly Update // Week Of 11.19.18 A down week overall. It was also a short market week because of Thanksgiving. Meaning, one less day to make gains/losses. I made a video like I did for my portfolio overview in hopes that it would keep things streamlined for you guys. So let me know if you like the video enjoyed the video and what should change or what you would like to see more of!

Cyber Monday - 11.26.18

Results From Cyber Monday - 11.26.18 Managed to make some gains today! It was a positive day for all portfolios. The downside, however, is that it was Cyber Monday, and that means that I took advantage of ALL the deals and bought everyone their Christmas gifts. So I'd say today would count as a wash! Acorns M1 Finance Fidelity Go Bumped

How To Use Acorns // Let's Explore The Acorns Website

How Does Someone Even Navigate The Acorns Website? I'm glad you asked! (Did anyone ask? I don't know for sure but here is an answer just in case!) I have made a video that shows and explains what features are available on the Acorns desktop platform. There are some features available on the desktop app that are not on the mobile app. Because of this, I believe there are some benefits to logging in and actually checking the desktop version sometimes instead of just sticking to the app on your smart device. That isn't to say that the mobile version is worse, but sometimes you just like to gather a little more information!

Black Friday - 11.23.18

Results From Black Friday - 11.23.18 Hopefully, everyone has a great Thanksgiving and if you don't celebrate that, hopefully, you had a great Thursdays. Today is Black Friday and I was interested in are how it would affect the market. Strangely enough, it was a smaller gain/loss than I was expecting. I figured it would have a large effect but it really didn't do anything too surprising. I should probably count my blessings on this though considering I only had one positive day this week. An interesting note, look how my M1 Finance went positive compared to other assets. I'm thinking diversifying in Aerospace really makes that difference and is a great visual as to why different sectors perform differently each day. Acorns M1 Finance Fidelity Go Bumped

Wednesday - 11.21.18

Results From Wednesday - 11.21.18 An up day! Glad this is what I will be looking at for the next two days considering the markets will be down tomorrow for Thanksgiving. It'll give me a false sense of two positive days! There is nothing wrong with tricking yourself into a good mindset! Acorns M1 Finance Fidelity Go Bumped

Initial Portfolio Overview // Get To Know My Portfolio & Platforms

Let's Look At The Portfolios! I have finally made a video really digging into what my portfolios are looking like and how the money is allocated within my portfolios. This video is the initial posting and gives an overview of what to expect from my upcoming videos and what to watch for. I hope these videos will be fun to watch as these investments grow and change over time! I really want to make a video once a week or maybe twice a month depending on how much feedback and change happens. This will help keep continuity among all my social media platforms; this blog, Instagram, and YouTube itself.

Tuesday - 11.20.18

Results From Tuesday - 11.20.18 Double down days to start the week. The Market is so bullish this week. I really don't expect to see a green day this week at this rate. That's fine though because it's a holiday week and I'm sure  I'm going to be distracted from the market come Thursday and Friday. I'll still keep this updated though. For now, I just plan to keep buying the dip. Times like these we just need to remember that we're buying these shares at a discounted rate, so to speak. Acorns M1 Finance Fidelity Go Bumped

Monday - 11.19.18

Results From Monday - 11.19.18 So I slept in until about 1:00pm today so I missed most of the market day. When I woke up I was down about $8.00 on Acorns so I knew it was going to be a rough day in general. By the end of the day, everything was down except my actual IRA and 401(k). I don't post those here so everything you see is going to be red red RED. I hope this isn't telling of how the week is going to go!  Acorns M1 Finance Fidelity Go Bumped

Dosh Cash Back App // Get 1% - 5% Cash Back On Everyday Purchases

Ready To Get More From Your Purchases? Dosh is a new app that I recently discovered that gives cash back for shopping at local stores. The rewards are in the form of cash back and is a percentage of your total purchase. Most of the rewards are between 1-5% back. Today I was out getting Pizza Hut (which is also a vendor for  Bumped  ) so I figured I would double dip on my rewards and use Dosh as well. My coworkers even pitched in some cash so I was able to make the large purchase off my card, to generate a larger transaction. You guy will surely want to add this app to your collection of cash back and rewards apps, because it is free, offers a nice referral bonus, and gives back for the purchasing you were likely already doing. View the video below as I give an explanation of how the app works and how to utilize it!

Friday - 11.16.18

Results From Friday - 11.16.18 Finally, a week that ended on a positive note! Nothing huge, but I will take two days of green instead of a whole week of red. Or worse, ending on an extremely red day for Friday. My work week starts on Friday so nothing bums me out more than "starting" my week with a down day in the market.  Acorns has made it to $830 which is nice and when I start to receive more dividends I believe they will start to easily pay for the monthly fee associated with Acorns. M1 Finance should be having some dividends trickle in as well and should start to reinvest into my dividend portfolios nicely. Fidelity Go has only had $7,500 invested into, so right now I'm having an overall gain from that account. Let's keep it that way! Bumped is well on its way to $27 dollars! Acorns M1 Finance Fidelity Go Bumped

Thursday - 11.15.18

Results From Thursday - 11.15.18 An up day for Acorns and M1 Finance. Notice how Fidelity Go is down a bit though. This is a good example of how different investments behave differently each day. Overall I'm pleased with the day. I'm hoping we can finish the week on a positive note tomorrow.  Acorns ME Finance Fidelity Go Bumped