How I Want Things To Go

What's A Good Way To Organize This?

So we all know the stock market is open Monday-Friday (without any bank holiday interruptions) meaning my investments change and grow throughout the week. I'd like to get into the habit of posting results at the end of each day here on the blog. I'll take and label each post in a way that will allow you to go back and see how my investments behaved for that given day. Most likely, I will include a date within the Title of the post that way you will be able to search for these posts easier. If there was a day that the market did really well and you wanted to see how my investments faired, you could easily find that post. Or, if there was a day the market tanked and you wanted to see my losses for the day, you could find it easier that way as well. I may even end up backdating some of my posts if I forget to post on a certain day, that way you'll never miss a beat on my investments.

Either way, I hope that I will get into a good and consistent schedule on posting that way you will be able to easily find the content that you want to.

I may also do some linking from the individual Acorns, M1, and Bumped paged to archive back to these certain posts, but it all depends on how large this blog gets to deem that truly necessary. 


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